Yukon News features Lien on front page, full page article
“Yukon musician Matthew Lien wants you to get out of your own head”
“Yukon musician Matthew Lien wants you to get out of your own head”
The short animated film The Loon Manding by Katherine
McCallum, Ella and Forrest Peschke, with sound design, music and video
editing by Matthew Lien, won top honours with the Jury prize at the Yukon 48
Hour Film-making Challenge.
In a ground-breaking, precedent setting decision, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in favour of indigenous First Nations and environmental groups, to protect the Peel Rived Watershed from development.
The new musical Stonecliff, about the constructing of the White Pass and Yukon Route railway, opened in Alaska and Yukon to a strong audience response. Stonecliff is the creation of director/writer Conrad Boyce and composer/producer Matthew Lien.