Matthew records Victoria Baroque for upcoming Full Circle binaural album
As production for the new album, Full Circle, nears completion, one of the last songs has benefited from the inclusion of Victoria Baroque, a renowned ensemble based in Victoria, BC.

In keeping with the entire album’s production, the session was recorded in native binaural, at Sonic Forest Studios in Metchosin, BC, known for their Dolby Atmos abilities.
The song which features the baroque ensemble, also features astounding vocal performances by counter-tenor Alois Muhlbacher recorded at Castle Schloss Weinberg in Upper Austria.

“I’m thrilled at the results, especially hearing Alois with the baroque performances together at last,” says Matthew, listening to playback following the tracking session engineered by Todd Hooge. “I just can’t wait to share this with people.”
Stay tuned for more updates as the album nears release.