The floatplane touching down on McClusky Lake—and the immediate greeting by a mother moose and her two calves—seemed both surreal and exceedingly vivid. In the cities where most of us live, we just don’t see colours, animals, mountains, waters and skies like these.
And that’s why we came. My fellow artists and I hoped to convey the essence and magnificence of Canada’s Peel River Watershed through music, sound and imagery, so that others could experience and treasure this wilderness.
Headwaters WebsiteThe “Consonance” sound sculpture is a 360° multi-channel sound-art installation consisting of 16 specially-designed speakers configured within a large ring. The audio content presents a rare vocal music performance portraying one of the world’s most mysterious and renowned ethnic music works, as sung by Taiwan’s Bunun aboriginal tribe where “circle singing” is a traditional artform.
This groundbreaking 16-channel audio presentation creates a stunning interactive audio experience, inspiring awe and appreciation for indigenous music through technology, sound and art.
Consonance Website